As adopted by the LAMA State Convention 2020
WHEREAS the Libertarian Association of Massachusetts holds that the two party system is not an appropriate representation of the political will of the people of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and that many of the existing election regulations only serve the purpose to cement this broken system and to suppress dissenting votes.
WHEREAS the Libertarian Association of Massachusetts holds that the freedom of association is the one of most fundamental principles of the political process as envisioned by the Constitution.
WHEREAS most petitioning is done by paid signature collection services.
WHEREAS the current COVID-19 crisis has made petitioning in person a public health risk, aggravating the challenges for third parties, ballot initiatives, and individual candidates.
BE IT RESOLVED that the Libertarian Association of Massachusetts calls for reducing the ballot access requirements, as well as reducing signature requirements for ballot initiatives.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Libertarian Association of Massachusetts calls for abolishing tax-payer funded and state-regulated primaries, and instead for letting the individual political parties to determine their own process of selecting candidates and carry the cost for that.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Libertarian Association of Massachusetts calls for easing ballot access by allowing online-petitioning for ballot access in the same manner that online voter registration has been adopted by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts or substitute a filing fee in lieu of nomination signatures to qualify for the ballot.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Libertarian Association of Massachusetts calls for removing the state-imposed, exclusionary criteria for the recognition as a political party and instead recognize any political party that has member candidates who have gained ballot access in any election in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (including non-partisan elections).