Massachusetts Libertarian Party March 5 Primary Results Are In

The Massachusetts Libertarian Party regained major party status in 2022, on the strength of Cristina Crawford's 23.1% showing for Treasurer of the Commonwealth that year. As a major party, the MALP is entitled to place a nominee for President on the ballot in the November 2024 election, and is required to elect a state committee of up to one man and one woman from each senate district. 

The results are in:

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LAMA Rejects the Betrayal of Libertarian Values by the National LP

It is a core principle of Libertarians to oppose the initiation of violence. That is why the Libertarian Association of Massachusetts has from our beginning been part of every anti-war movement. The dilution of our anti-war stance by the national LP, yesterday, is a betrayal of Libertarian values.



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Register as a Libertarian

Massachusetts voters now have the option to register as a Libertarian!

With the success of LAMA candidate for Treasurer receiving more than 3% of the total vote, Libertarians have achieved major party status and are now listed as one of three part options. 

To register or change your party affiliation, please visit Online Voter Application (

LAMA Affiliate Meetings

The Libertarian Association of Massachusetts is excited to announce the formation of regional affiliates in 2023. If you are interested in becoming involved with advancing liberty, please join one of the scheduled meetings. The affiliates will have monthly Zoom meetings and at least one meeting in person. Affiliates are open to all - you can attend one or all of the meetings to see which one you may be interested in joining.

  • Greater Boston - Inside 95
  • Metro West - 95 to 495
  • Worcester County - west of 495 and Worcester surrounding area
  • Cape Cod

We are looking for volunteers to help us expand to other areas in the state. 

For a schedule of all of our events, please see Events - LAMA (

To join LAMA, please visit Join - LAMA (