Thanks to our LAMA Chair and Harvard resident, Don Graham, we had a successful booth today at the Harvard Flea Market. Kevin Reed, Cris Crawford, and I met and spoke with many people who were very happy to have a Libertarian alternative to the duopoly candidates this November.
It was a crisp, breezy Autumn in New England kind of day when Don Graham, Kevin Reed, Cris Crawford, and I met scores of voters at the 50th annual Harvard Flea Market. We offered the World's Smallest Political Quiz and discussed the Libertarian alternative on the ballot this November. Voters expressed their disappointment in both the Republican administration of Charlie Baker, and the Democrat controlled legislature. One young lady filling out her WSPQ said, "I'm yes on all of these." Another young man said, "You are my people!"
Massachusetts is ready for libertarian solutions. Kevin Reed spoke persuasively on the "hyper-regulation" that closes doors to economic opportunity in our state, especially for those who need it most. This is something a Libertarian governor could and should address. I shared my analysis of the poorly conceived Question 1 to once again try to foist a graduated income tax on the people of Massachusetts.
Cris Crawford, as the only alternative to an incumbent Democrat for Treasurer probably attracted the most immediate support. She has a Masters of Economics from Suffolk University, and has served as the treasurer for several organizations.
Of course it wouldn't be a flea market without enjoying some good food and buying some knick-knacks. The people of Harvard, MA, put on a great flea market, which is probably why it has lasted for 50 years.