Breaking the Chains of Occupational Licensing: How Reform Can Create More Jobs

Occupational licensing is a form of government regulation that requires individuals to obtain a license to legally perform certain jobs. These licenses are often expensive and time-consuming to obtain, and they can serve as barriers to entry for individuals who wish to enter a particular profession. This is especially true for low-income individuals, who may not be able to afford the costs associated with obtaining a license.

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Probation and Parole Overhaul: How We Can Fix a Broken System

The United States criminal justice system is in dire need of probation and parole reform. The current system, which prioritizes punishment over rehabilitation and reintegration, is not only inhumane but also ineffective in reducing recidivism and promoting public safety.

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5 Shocking Reasons the War on Drugs was a Complete Failure

The war on drugs, initiated by President Nixon in 1971, aimed to combat drug abuse and drug trafficking in the United States. However, over the past 50 years, it has become increasingly clear that the war on drugs has been an utter failure and has caused more harm than good. Here are some of the key reasons why the war on drugs has failed:

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Self Defense is part of Consent Culture

Consent culture is a movement that promotes the idea that all forms of intimacy, whether physical or emotional, should be entered into with the explicit consent of all parties involved. This movement aims to create a world where individuals are empowered to make their own choices about their bodies and personal space, and where boundaries are respected at all times. One critical aspect of consent culture is the right to self-defense.

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Uncovering the Truth: Why We Can't Just Move On from the COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 pandemic has been one of the greatest challenges faced by the world in recent history, causing widespread economic, social, and political upheaval. While many have praised the actions taken by governments and public health officials to respond to the crisis, others have raised serious concerns about the measures that've been implemented, including lockdowns, travel restrictions, and widespread vaccine mandates. It's unacceptable to simply accept what was done during the COVID-19 pandemic without demanding answers and mechanisms to ensure accountability and prevent similar events from happening in the future.

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The Dangers of Unlimited Government Spending

The reckless spending coming out of Congress is a major problem for the United States, as it puts the country on a dangerous path toward financial instability and economic ruin. As a libertarian conservative, I believe in limited government, individual freedom, and a strong economy. Unfortunately, the actions of our elected officials in Congress are putting all of these principles at risk.

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Why the State Department's Global Engagement Center is a Threat to Our First Amendment Rights

The State Department's Global Engagement Center (GEC) is a government agency that was created in 2016 to combat "foreign propaganda and disinformation." However, some believe that the GEC's actions pose a threat to freedom of speech and the open exchange of ideas in the United States.

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Why the Tough on Crime Approach is Failing and What We Can Do About It

The "tough on crime" approach to criminal justice, characterized by harsh sentencing laws, mass incarceration, and a focus on punishment over rehabilitation, has been the dominant paradigm in the United States for several decades. However, this model has proven to be both ineffective and inhumane, leading to a growing consensus among lawmakers, experts, and the public that we need to move towards a more rational, evidence-based approach to criminal justice.

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Why You Need to Know About the Trillion Dollar Problem in Washington

Libertarian conservatism is a political philosophy that emphasizes the importance of both personal freedom and a limited government. It's a philosophy that's particularly concerned with the out-of-control spending in Congress that's been happening from both sides of the aisle in recent years. This excessive spending has had some poor outcomes that are seriously affecting the country and its citizens.

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The Only Defense Is More Capitalism

Only though open competition of merchants competing for our business are we able to see the best value and services rise. Every successful business has learned lessons from their competitors who failed. Allowing new competitors to arise requires tolerance from the public and accepting change, which are two of the three pillars of Let.Live.

Adam Smith and Friedrich Hayek are two of the most influential economists of all time, and both argued that unfettered competition produces the best products and prices for consumers. In this blog post, we will explore their ideas and how they apply to modern market economies.

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